Baguio Urban Renewal Lab: Reimagine Baguio Design Sprint April 22, 2017

Sat, April 22, 2017 8am-5pm

Background and Rationale

Baguio City was founded in 1908 and has evolved over a century into a haven for residents, students, and tourists. We invite you to re-imagine and co-create Baguio for the next 100 years.

We are holding an Baguio Urban Lab Renewal Design Sprint to engage more stakeholders in the dialogue of how Baguio can continue to be renewed, one project at at time. The Design Sprint methodology (click here) is an intense creative collaboration method typically used in hackathons and incubators. The interactions will be similar to the Startup Weekend event, but will focus on urban renewal instead of software design.


1. To design and showcase concepts of how selected sites in Baguio can be renewed

2. To cultivate an understanding of urban renewal and the role of citizens and academics in co-creating the cities they live in

3. To create a venue for enthusiasts, advocates, and leaders of urban renewal and innovation to connect, join and create communities

4. to make Baguio's academe a model for university-driven urban renewal leadership for the rest of the country

Event Program

8:00-8:30 am Registration

8:30-9:00 am Welcome and Orientation

9:00-9:30 am Team formation

9:30-2:00 pm Team Site visits and brainstorming

2:00-3:00 pm Setup of Exhibits for Design Concepts

3:00-4:00 pm Gallery Viewing and Feedback

4:00-4:30 pm Next Steps for the Baguio Urban Renewal Lab

4:30-5:00 pm Closing Remarks


Pls bring your own pencils and sketchpads. Also please bring your own lunch and transpo money. You will be expected to visit nearby project sites.


Teams will be expected to share their designs through a poster presentation and a 6-minute video similar to the pitches in the link below.


Centennial Hall, University of Baguio and selected project sites.

Project Partners: University of Baguio and St.Louis University

Sponsor: University of Baguio

A Design sprint is a time-constrained, five-phase process that uses design thinking to reduce the risk when bringing a new product, service or a feature to the market.

Click here for Design Sprint Methodology paper.

Design Sprint Phases

1. Understand: Discover the opportunity, the audience, the competition, the value proposition, and define metrics of success.

2. Diverge: Explore, develop and iterate creative ways of solving the problem, regardless of feasibility.

3. Converge: Identify ideas that fit the next product cycle and explore them in further detail through storyboarding.

4. Prototype: Design and prepare prototype(s) that can be tested with people.

5. Test: Conduct 1:1 user testing with (5-6) people from the product's primary target audience. Ask good questions.

A Good Urban Place is:

CONNECTED in many ways

CONVENIENT for quick errands and to get away

SEDUCTIVE not instantly consumable

MEMORABLE for its present and past

FULL but not congested

INFORMAL non-institutionalized

DISTINCT not generic

MULTI-FUNCTIONAL in uses and scales of activity

A LOCAL HANGOUT and a tourists draw

MULTI-GENERATIONAL not just for Millennials


Adapted from Prof.Alex Krieger, Harvard Graduate School of Design

Objectives of the Design Sprint

1. To design and showcase concepts of how selected sites in Baguio might be renewed

2. To cultivate an understanding of urban renewal and the role of citizens and academics in co-creating the cities they live in

3. To create a venue for enthusiasts, advocates, and leaders of urban renewal and innovation to connect, join and create communities

4. to make Baguio's academe a model for university-driven urban renewal leadership for the rest of the country

Tips and Guide Questions for Site Visit

Walk through the site. Walk in pairs for safety.

You may walk out in a transect, take photos to share with your teammates.

Pay attention to the sights, smells, sounds.

Who comes in and out of the site? Why is this place important to them?

What is this the function of this site? How can more value be added to this place?

If your project was implemented, what would a tourist blogger write about it? If you were to take a friend to this site, what would be the highlight of their experience? Explore some of the public buildings if they are open. Understand how this place is connected its immediate surroundings and possibly to surrounding towns and provinces.

Guidelines for Panels

1. Give a Project Title, must be distinctive like “Mulanay” or “Camp Sawi”

2. Shown graphically in 1-2 panels

3. Communicate the feel or experience of walking through the area. What would be the “song” beneath the sights?

4. Include proposed plan, budget, timetable, manpower

Guidelines for Video

Not more than 60 seconds

Use the panels to explain your concept

Pick a quiet spot to record the video

Your videos will be put on Youtube

By shooting and sharing your video you are sharing it to decision-makers who may make your concepts into reality.